Canvas Courses
Session 1: Math Anywhere! Inviting Math Play into Every Day
Is “playful” the first word that comes to mind for you when you think of mathematics? Many of us experienced math as the opposite of playful, but in reality there is a vital connection between play and math learning. This session will provide an overview of the Math Anywhere! strategies for inviting math thinking and talk into everyday situations and creating optimal conditions for mathematical play. We will have a little fun trying these ideas out ourselves and explore resources to share with others.
Session topics:
- The relationship between play and mathematics
- What can grownups do to foster math learning?
- Math prompts you can use anywhere
Session 2: How Many? Noticing and Talking about Quantity
This session will focus on Math Anywhere! activities designed to elicit conversations about quantity. Learn about the resources that inspired us and engage with some of the free resources we have created. We will uncover the important math thinking that happens when we engage in How Many? conversations or ask children to hunt for quantities. After trying a few activities yourself, you will feel equipped and inspired to share these resources with others.
Session topics:
- What is quantity?
- Prompts to inspire noticing quantity
- What can grown-ups do to foster quantitative thinking?
Session 3: Find Shapes: Noticing Geometry in our Landscapes
This session will focus on Math Anywhere! activities designed to elicit conversations about shape. Math is all around us, but often goes unnoticed- especially by grown-ups who have learned to tune color and form and sound out in our environment, and focus our attention more narrowly. Try out the activities yourself and learn about resources for educators, caregivers, and families.
Session topics:
- Noticing what children notice
- Prompts to inspire noticing shape
- What can grown-ups do to foster thinking about shape?
Session 4: Same or Different? Yes!
Many people profess a love of math because it is “predictable” and there is always “one right answer.” But, inviting a little ambiguity into our questions creates space for multiple right answers and richer conversations. We will explore resources and strategies that can help grown-ups embrace ambiguity and enjoy the surprises children’s thinking can hold.
Session topics:
- Attributes and mathematical actions
- Rethinking right answers
- What can grown-ups do to foster comparing and sorting?
Session 5: Mathematizing Spaces: Making our Schools Math-Curious Places
What if every interest area in our classroom was a space for mathematical play and exploration? It is! This session will outline ways to utilize our indoor and outdoor classroom spaces to provoke math thinking and conversation. Inspiring math curiosity can be as simple as introducing a few new materials. We will also share cases of following student interests to create temporary math provocations to engage students. The approaches shared will inspire ideas for your own classroom environment.
Session topics:
- Following student interests
- Introducing math materials into interest areas
- Co-creating temporary provocations